Storytelling is nothing new. The art of creative writing has been done and passed down for decades. Every new story brings something completely different to the table. Within this journal, you will experience something new, different, and creative. Whether you read this journal online or in print, it is not hard to be amazed at what was created and displayed by such young writers. It is truly heartwarming and inspiring to see how much creative writing has made an impact to youth and throughout the greater Green Bay community.

Simply put, the staff at Mosaic Arts, Inc. is incredibly proud to include every writing piece in this year’s edition of The Quill.

The very first edition of The Quill was released in the summer of 2015 and has grown in the past three years of its existence. The purpose of this literary journal is to showcase the talents of young writers in the greater Green Bay area. The first editor, Laura Schmitt, carried the belief that young writers need to receive affirmation for their talent, to motivate them, to praise and encourage for them to continuing developing their craft. We continue to carry this belief today. When students submit their writing pieces to The Quill, they give themselves the opportunity to see their work print and be enjoyed by many readers.

It is very hard to express in words the feelings that arose when reading these writing pieces. Family members, friends, teachers, and most of all, the students should be proud of what they have each created and brought into the community. It is evident that these students hold a bright and expressive future ahead of them.

To everyone who participated, thank you. It was an honor to experience a glimpse of your overflowing talent. Keep writing.

Thank you for reading,

Mosaic Staff